Macy Allgeier
Early this morning Indiana University Southeast administered a two-hour delay rather than cancelling classes. Was this the right thing to do?
IUS acknowledged in their Facebook post that they have a large commuter population, yet only base their decision on the weather and conditions on University property and for Floyd County. This decision has raised quite the controversy on their facebook page, with many students and parents expressing how disappointed they are that IUS did not cancel classes when they have so many students commute to class.
Only 7% of IUS students live on college-owned, operated, or affiliated housing, making it primarily a “commuter college.” A majority of students travel from surrounding cities and counties; such as Harrison County, which was declared State of Emergency until 1pm this afternoon.
“As a part of IUS’s large commuter population, I am very disappointed in this decision. Road conditions warrant more than a 2 hour delay. Nearly all (if not all) of the surrounding counties in both Indiana and Kentucky have cancelled school, including JCPS, NAFCS, Ivy Tech, Bellarmine, and UofL,” commented student Amanda Scarberry, “I live in Washington County and roads have not been plowed and there have already been wrecks in the area. Class should be cancelled today for the safety of students and staff.”
IUS responded on their Facebook with, “Please make the best decision for your safety based upon the conditions in your area. If you are unable to attend classes today, please email your professor.”
This comment upset students because of the strict attendance policy the campus has in place. Student Bri Lampton commented, “Emailing my professor does not negate the points I will miss for the MANDATORY attendance set by the university, or the in-class assignments due, but thanks anyway.”
Aside from missing valuable class attendance points, students are also in risk of getting behind in whichever class they have to miss due to weather conditions.
Is this fair to people paying for their education? Should you have to pick between your education and safety?
Grenadiers, what is your opinion on school not closing? How has it affected you? Let us know.