Commemorating 9/11

  • IU southeast students, faculty and staff gathered around the flagpole in McCullough plaza in anticipation for the september 11th commemoration.

  • IU southeast police officers arrived early to reflect.

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Kate Harrison, Staff Reporter

Fourteen years ago white smoke emerged from the World Trade Center as the world watched in terror. September 11, 2001 is a day most Americans remember, which is why the students, faculty and staff of IU southeast gathered in McCullough Plaza, to honor the memory of all that was lost that September morning.

Chancellor Ray Wallace began the ceremony.

“Fourteen years ago on this day a tragedy happened, we are here to remember that day. Many of us remember exactly where we were when it happened. We should never forget,” Wallace said.

As he spoke, the crowd joined hands and bowed their heads. Ruben Borrigo, IU southeast police officer, lowered the flag as the crowd reflected in silence.

Borrigo was honored to participate in the ceremony because of his military background.

“I served twenty-one years in the marine corps. It was great to be a part of this, to remember it. We can’t forget the people who died; a lot of people forget to remember the people we lost.”

Logan Creedon, general studies senior, stressed the importance of coming together as a community on this day.

“A lot of people were devastated. It’s nice for people to feel supported and come together and recognize it,” Creedon said.

Many stayed around after the lowering of the flag to chat about that day, so many years ago.