English Club comes back from the brink

Kaetln Harrison

The English Club meets every Wednesday from noon to 1 p.m. in the IUS Library, room 302. Students do not have to be an English major to join the club.

Kaetln Harrison, Staff Reporter

This semester the English Club at IU Southeast was dangerously close to fading away completely until Jeremy Wells, assistant professor of English, reached out to a student. That student was Selena McCracken.

“Dr. Wells had informed me that the organization was going to be completely dissolved this semester unless five people came together and resurrected it. So it was left for dead,” McCracken said.

McCracken, an English senior, runs the club with the help of her fellow officers: Taryn Hall, English senior, and Grace Hargreaves, English senior. Hall and Hargreaves are the club’s two vice presidents.

Rebuilding the club hasn’t been an easy task for McCracken, but she’s up for the challenge.

“I’m dedicated to consistency and ideas about events are always timely. They’re typically related to what’s going on,” McCracken said.

She is also dedicated to building relationships with other organizations at IU Southeast.

“We’re going to be connected with other clubs as much as possible and disciplines. We want to be connected to the larger community,” McCracken said. “We want to promote writing in our area, so it strengthens English studies on campus, the community and our creativity and motivation for the future.”

Improving the club has been a battle, particularly when it comes to gaining new members.

“Because of a lack of interest, the English Club had basically just faded out of existence, so it’s really had to be not only resurrected but also restructured,” Hall said.

The club has improved their organization by being dedicated to routine and promotion.

“We have a dedicated meeting time and place, and we’re active on both Grenadier Central and the English Club’s Facebook page, so we’re really working to both get the word out about the club and also to try and keep people in the loop and involved,” Hall said.

Hargreaves said she is grateful for Hall’s help.”I think having two vice presidents has helped by taking the pressure off Selena [McCracken],” Hargreaves said.

Hargraves also spoke about the different initiatives she is pushing for as co-vice president.

“Currently, I’ve been trying to get club members to participate in The Writing Contest and The Review, along with larger undertakings such as National novel writing month this coming November,” Hargraves said.

Wells said he is proud of the English Club officers’ efforts.

“It’s a delight to work with students who wish to be so involved,” Wells said.

He stressed the importance of having the English Club at IU Southeast.

“The club gives its members chances to pursue these opportunities, to realize how many wonderful things one can do while pursuing an English major as well as after obtaining one’s degree,” he said.

Students do not have to be an English major to join the club. Anyone who is interested can join. McCracken said she hopes to create an environment where all students will feel welcome.

“We do not judge. We encourage your expressing and sharing, whatever it may be that you want to express and share, and we try to support our member’s professional development,” McCracken said.

The English Club meets every Wednesday from 12-1 in room 302 of the IUS Library.