Non-Traditional Student Union holds Valentine’s Day event
Daiyu Hurst, informatics senior and NTSU president, and Amber Bower, psychology junior and NTSU member, talk to a student about their organization.
February 17, 2016
Fluffy pink monkeys, fuzzy red socks, scarves covered in hearts, and rose-shaped bath petals covered a table across from the IUS Bookstore.
The Non-Traditional Student Union held a Valentine’s Day event outside of the IUS Bookstore from Monday, Feb. 8 to Thursday, Feb. 11 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. During the event, NTSU members sold socks, stuffed animals, potted plants and other Valentine’s Day themed gifts, with no items costing more than $4.
According to the NTSU’s Grenadier Central webpage, the NTSU held the event to recruit new members to the organization and raise funds for House of Ruth.
According to House of Ruth’s website, House of Ruth is a nonprofit organization in Louisville that provides assistance to those living with or affected by HIV or AIDS. The organization offers housing and support services for those who are HIV positive, as well as family members who may depend on them for financial support. A few of the services House of Ruth provides include case management, financial assistance and children’s programs.

Daiyu Hurst, informatics senior and president of the NTSU, said that while the NTSU received several donations, one problem the organization faced was that many students didn’t carry cash on them, and they asked NTSU members if they could pay with a card.
“As everything goes online, less people are carrying cash on them and simply relying on plastic,” Hurst said. “It may be something we look into investing in for future events.”
Hurst said while the main focus of the event was to raise funds, the NTSU members were also looking to add new members to their organization.

Amber Bower, psychology junior and member of the NTSU, said the NTSU is an organization directed toward students who may not have started college right after they graduated from high school. Bower said that’s one of her favorite things about being a part of the NTSU.
“I like that I can get to know more people who are non-traditional students like me,” Bower said. “Not all of us could go to college right out of high school, but it’s nice to know that we’re not alone.”
For more information about the NTSU and how to join, visit the organization’s Grenadier Central webpage.