Student Involvement Board holds March meeting
Michelle Clements, office assistant in the Career Development Center, demonstrates some of the Career Olympics activities for the Student Involvement Board.
March 21, 2016
A staff departure, a new arrival and upcoming events were some topics discussed during March’s Student Involvement Board meeting.
The meeting took place on Monday, March 7 at 12:30 p.m. in University Center North, room 122. Ashley Kern, English senior and student liaison for Campus Life, led the meeting.
Kern introduced Beccah Nesbitt, international studies junior, who will take over as the student liaison for Campus Life in summer 2016 after Kern graduates in May.
Nesbitt briefly introduced herself, and she said she was excited to start the position and to get to know the representatives from various student organizations.
Also, Jessica Lynch, new student programs and leadership development coordinator, talked about the Campus Commitment to Student Learning Awards. Lynch said the awards celebrate campus leaders, and she said Campus Life is accepting nominations from members of all student organizations for students who they think are good leaders.
Lynch said there are several awards, including the Emerging Student Leader Award for a freshman, the Diversity & Multiculturalism Award, the Innovation Award, the Community Outreach Award and the Outstanding Student Involvement Award for an upperclassman.
Lynch also said there will be a leadership conference on Friday, April 15 in University Center, room 127. She said the conference organizers are only accepting the first 60 people who sign up, and those people will participate in an etiquette luncheon. She encouraged students to sign up and participate.
Additionally, Jose Lopez, intern in the Career Development Center, spoke about the center’s upcoming events.
Lopez talked about the upcoming Career Olympics, which will be on Tuesday, March 22 from 12:15 to 1 p.m. in University Center North in the Hoosier Room. Lopez and Michelle Clements, office assistant in the Career Development Center, demonstrated some of the activities that will occur at the event.
Lopez said resume shot put, hippy handshake– a tug-of-war style game — and a poetry-style thank-you note contest are some of the activities that will be available for students to participate in during the Career Olympics. He also said various student organizations will have booths about topics such as what to wear to an interview, conversation starters and the importance of sending a post-interview thank-you note.
Lopez also encouraged organizations to try to get as many people to attend the event as possible.
“Whichever organization brings in the most people will get a gold medal and 100 iCHIPS,” he said.