Fine Arts students raise $1,200 for IUS Emergency Food Pantry

April 24, 2016
The Empty Bowls fundraiser put on by a Fine Arts professor and ceramics classes raised $1,200 for the IUS Emergency Food Pantry.
Chanda Glendinning, visiting assistant professor in ceramics, hosted the event Thursday, April 21, in the Commons.
Glendinning said the students made the bowls to help raise food awareness. Glenndinning said the students and faculty from the ceramics program made 82 bowls and were priced at $15 a bowl.
With each bowl purchase, the buyer also received a voucher for a free bowl of soup from the IUS food court.
Glendinning said it was amazing to have the support from the IUS Dining Services and the IUS Emergency Food Pantry coming together for for a common goal.
“We make the bowls with our hands,” Glendinning said. “Chefs cook the soup with their hands, and the IUS food bank uses this money to go purchase food. It’s for a great cause.”
Karen Richie, counselor and care manager at IU Southeast, works with the IUS Emergency Food Pantry. Richie said she hoped the event not only raised awareness to fight hunger at IU Southeast, but also let students know that IU Southeast has a food bank that is available to help them.
“We just want to feed people who are hungry. We don’t want anyone to suffer in silence,” Richie said.
Richie said the food bank is not based off of income, and students who are short on money or have been kicked out of their parents house are welcome to come seek help.
Empty Bowls is a nationwide program. Glendinning said she had participated in these events before in New York, Texas and Kansas. Glendinning hopes that Empty Bowls will become an annual event at IU Southeast.