Gamers’ Society holds Pokemon League event
Myles Bond, non-student, plays the “Pokemon Trading Card Game” with friends. Bond said the event has become more open to non-students.
April 25, 2016
The Gamers’ Society held a Pokemon League on Thursday, April 7 from 6 to 9 p.m. in University Center North, room 122, and The Commons in University Center North. Pokemon is a trading card game and video game series created by Nintendo, and it consists of creatures called Pocket Monsters or Pokemon.
The event was predominantly non-student oriented as Forrest Swartz, who will be attending IU Southeast this summer as a computer science major, invited many of the participants.
Czer Gigger, non-student, said he was invited by Swartz to the event, and he said he is interested in Pokemon because of the strategy element of the game. He said his main deck type is Water-Psychic.
Gigger described how decks are built.
“It varies based on what kind of deck you have in mind,” he said.
Gigger said he wished good luck to anybody playing.
Myles Bond, non-student, said he prefers playing with a Fighting-type deck, and he came to the event to have fun playing Pokemon with friends.
“My friend Forrest found out about this [Pokemon leagues] when we started playing [Pokemon],” Bond said.
Bond said the campus environment was supportive of non-students during events, as most of the event participants were not students.
Swartz found out about Pokemon leagues from He said his preferred deck type is Electric type.