Most popular degrees at IU Southeast
A dive into what most IUS students want at each school
Brandon Visetchaisri, 19, is reviewing the song ‘A Days Gone By’ to further his understanding in music education.
September 9, 2019
There are six undergraduate schools at the university. These include the School of Arts and Letters, School of Business, School of Education, School of Natural Sciences, School of Nursing and the School of Social Sciences.
IU Southeast also offers graduate studies in the Schools of Arts and Letters, Business, Education, Nursing, and Social Sciences.
School of Arts and Letters
Jennifer Daniels, an academic advisor for the School of Arts and Letters, said the two most popular degrees pursued are Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Bachelor of Fine Arts.
Brandon Visetchaisri is a junior music education major. Visetchaisri’s major falls under both the School of Arts and Letters and the School of Education.
“I wanted to be a teacher since middle school. I fell in love with band and wanted to become a band director, but I began to consider teaching French,” Visetchaisri said. “[In high school,] I realized that I still had a passion for music and wanted to major in music education.”
School of Business
In the School of Business, Assistant to the Dean Sharon Allen said the most popular degree for graduate business students is the Master of Business Administration.
For IUS undergraduates, Academic Advisor Kris Boos stated that the Bachelor of Science in Business degrees for accounting, finance, human resources, general management and sales are the most popular paths chosen by students.
School of Education
Dean Faye Camahalan, dean of the School of Education, stated the school’s most popular degrees are the Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education followed by the Master of Science in Secondary Education. Popular concentrations with the aforementioned degrees are social studies and language.
School of Natural Sciences
Elaine Kaub, dean of the School of Natural Sciences, provided the information that the two most popular degrees are the Bachelor of Science in Biology and Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.
Olivia Ross, a sophomore biology major, said her degree’s popularity could potentially lead to competition when trying to find a job later on down the road.
“I know that for a lot of us, biology is a stepping stone degree for getting into medical school,” Ross said. So I know I’m competing with a lot of my classmates to create a college profile that catches the eye of good medical schools.”
School of Nursing
Donna Bowles, dean of the School of Nursing, said the Bachelor of Science in Nursing for undergraduates and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing for registered nurses who transfer to IU Southeast with an associates degree are the two most popular paths taken by nursing students.
School of Social Sciences
In the School of Social Sciences, assistant to the dean Dana Gohmann stated that the two most popular degrees are the Bachelor of Science in Criminology and Criminal Justice and the Bachelor of Science in Psychology.
All of these majors offer unique challenges and learning opportunities. These help students develop skills and mindsets that are required in an array of professional careers.