SGA executive board installs student senators, elects student senate officers and discusses hazing
The IU Southeast Student Government Association held its weekly meeting on Friday, Oct. 11
SGA President Grant Hill shares his officer report at the SGA’s weekly meeting.
October 16, 2019
Student Government Association President Grant Hill used an executive order to allow three of the four new probationary senators to be installed as student senators at the SGA’s Friday, Oct. 11 meeting.
The probationary senators had to be in attendance at the Oct. 11 meeting to become student senators. Student senator Kameo Costello was appointed as pro tempore.
Additionally, junior biology major Asra Hussain and mathematics major Noureddin Salehi were appointed as probationary senators.
Hazing Bill Discussion
SGA Vice President Christian Thomas discussed his progress toward preventing the issue of hazing on campus.
“Over the past week I have gotten a little bit of work done on my initiative to help combat hazing,” he said.
Thomas said he sent an email regarding the promotion and passing of the hazing bill, titled HB1526, to State Representative Ed Clere. Clere represents New Albany and the 72nd district in the Indiana House of Representatives..
After Thomas shared his remarks about the bill, the floor was opened for discussion.
During the discussion, SGA advisor and Dean of Student Life Seuth Chaleunphonh shared his experience with the hazing bill.
“This is a bill I am pretty familiar with,” Chaleunphonh said. “Last year IU was pretty aware of it before we as an institution were ready to support it.”
“It does require more education annually for our student groups, beyond just the stereotypical groups that you think of when you think of hazing.”
To wrap up the discussion, Costello shared his lack of experience with hazing education.
“I can say as a first-year student here that I did not receive any education on preventing hazing or anything of that sort. It should be noted, though, that I am a transfer student,” he said. “If we do introduce education to prevent hazing it should not just be for first-year freshman, it should be for first-year transfers as well.”
Officer Reports

During his presidential report, Hill reported that the executive board met with Chancellor Wallace to discuss the morale of the student body. He also introduced an initiative to the senate.
“[Chancellor Wallace] wants to know if students are actually excited and motivated to go here,” Hill said. “I’d like to make this a formal initiative to the senate to create a polling on the topic of student morale.”
Executive Justice John Pillow reported the judicial is currently in the middle of a disciplinary action case.
During his vice presidential report, Thomas stated that he is also working towards the prevention of another serious issue on campus.
“Another initiative that I am trying to get the ball rolling on is regarding sexual assault,” Thomas said.
Thomas reported that he spoke with Nikki Green, who is the grant projects coordinator for the Office on Violence Against Women at IU Southeast.
The two discussed both an initiative between the SGA and Green to help the men and women who are affected by sexual violence and an initiative to raise awareness about sexual violence prevention methods.
“I personally believe that the education we give first years at IUS on sexual violence and sexual misconduct is lacking,” Thomas said. “I think we can make it a lot more robust.”