Tips from those that have been there, done that

Seniors and Alumni give incoming freshmen their advice from their time at IU Southeast

Kat Lynn, Staff Reporter

College can be intimidating and hard to navigate especially when you’ve never done it before. As a senior, I have seen and done it all. Here are some tips for college from IU Southeast alumni and senior to incoming freshman. 

“Lead yourself through college keeping yourself, your priorities, and your future in mind and it makes it so much easier to stay focused,” Hannah Hughes, IUS English senior said. “Follow your skills, talents, feelings, and instincts. Good luck.” 

Don’t rush. Don’t get in a hurry to make decisions, especially as a freshman. Not everyone comes into college knowing exactly what they want to do. Take your time and pick a major, or majors, that work for you. Follow your passions and don’t be afraid to meet others who can help you narrow down those decisions. 

“Speak out in class, talk to people in the coffee shop, never be afraid to try something,” Matthew McClellan, IUS Alumni said. “Even if things don’t exactly go the way you want, you’re one step closer to finding your people and maybe your best friends, so get out there.”

Make friends and join clubs. Networking is one of the best things you can do to find opportunities. The more people you know, the more doors will open. Join clubs on campus and meet people. Some of the people you will meet in college will be lifelong friends and help your journey through school be so much better. There is almost a club for anything so take some time and ask about some of the clubs on campus. Communication will mean everything in college. 

“Always make sure to communicate with the professors and seek opportunities for involvement, you will get out what you put into college,” Lauren Mason, IU Southeast psychology senior, said. 

Take advantage of campus resources. Whether it is the library or the commons, take advantage of the resources IUS has to offer. Private study rooms and a tool like the Writing Center were a life-saver my first year. The Writing Center will help you improve essays and scripts. The Career Development Center will help you find jobs and decide what you want to do after college. Computer labs are scattered over campus, use them. IUS provides you with the resources you will need to succeed, so don’t turn them down. Not only does IUS want you to succeed but they have the classes and resources to make sure you are on track. 

“If you aren’t a morning person, don’t schedule morning classes,” Alyssa Mahan, IUS MSM graduate student, said. “It only takes one class to fall behind so don’t skip your classes.”. 

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. The reason IUS has so many resources is so that you always have someone to go to. Whether it is your dean, your academic advisor, your professors, one of the student help centers, or another resource, ask for help. You are still learning, and there is no way to change or learn something if you don’t ask someone to help you. College is all about learning and growing with your knowledge and always asking for help when you need it.

Make time for yourself. Overall, college students are constantly busy. Between part-time jobs, classes, studying, and homework, there can be little time left. At least once a week, take some time for yourself. Do some self-care, watch a movie, and relax. College is stressful and takes up a lot of your time as a student, making sure you are taking care of yourself in the process. 

“Remember your friends and stay in contact,” Hayden Seelye, IUS English writing and literature senior said. “It’s okay to take a step away from school every now and then. Try and find something to do for yourself to unwind.”