IUS celebrates life of previous chancellor Ray Wallace

The community honored the life of Wallace on Sept. 10 in the Ogle Center

Rachel Miller, Staff Reporter

  • Chancellor Ray Wallace’s photographs and achievements fill a table for many colleagues and students of IU Southeast to enjoy.

  • IU Southeast students and friends munch on doughnuts in celebration of Chancellor Ray Wallace’s passion for food.

  • Acting Chancellor Kathy Girten talks with those attending Chancellor Ray Wallace’s memorial.

  • IU Southeast students enjoy doughnuts concluding Chancellor Ray Wallace’s memorial service.

  • Chancellor Ray Wallace’s iconic “I baked” words with a doughnut celebration concluding his ceremony.

  • Vice Chancellor for Advancement Betty Russo concludes Chancellor Ray Wallace’s memorial service by inviting IU Southeast to remember him by enjoying doughnuts in the lobby.

  • Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs Amanda Stonecipher reads “Digging” by Seamus Heaney.

  • Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance Dana Wavle talks of Chancellor Ray Wallace’s time and effort to make IU Southeast a great community for students.

  • IU Southeast class of 2019 Matthew McClellan tells of Chancellor Ray Wallace’s encouraging words to him in The Horizon Radio station each morning.

  • The Louisville Pipe Band plays “Amazing Grace” by John Newton to introduce Chancellor Ray Wallace’s memorial to IU Southeast.

  • Indiana State Senator Ron Grooms reminds IU Southeast of Chancellor Ray Wallace’s heart for the community.

  • Former Board of Advisors member and IU Southeast Alumnus Joey Rivera tells a comedic story of Chancellor Ray Wallace at his celebration of life memorial.

  • Acting Chancellor Kathy Girten tells of Chancellor Ray Wallace’s empathetic heart for others during his celebration of life ceremony.

  • The Louisville Pipe Band plays “Amazing Grace” by John Newton to introduce Chancellor Ray Wallace’s memorial to IU Southeast.

  • Executive Assistant to the Chancellor Donna Harvey and Interim Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Sue Sciame-Giesecke take a moment with fellow IU Southeast staff before Chancellor Ray Wallace’s memorial.

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