Final countdown to graduation
March 30, 2022

The Graduation Fair is another step towards the Commencement Ceremony for seniors expecting to graduate in May.
The fair will be in the Hoosier Room in University Center North from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. tomorrow. Free snacks, giveaways, alumni and graduation information will be offered to those who attend.
Cap and gowns
Cap and gown fittings and orders will be available during the fair. Different cap and gown packages will be available for purchase at the fair, as well as online until April 11. Late orders for graduation regalia will have increased prices starting on April 12 with the last day for any and all orders will be April 18.
Portraits and professional help
Senior portraits and headshots will be an option at the grad fair with a provided cap and gown. Students can also feel free to bring their resume to gain interview advice.
Tying loose ends up
Seniors should go through the graduation checklist and talk with advisors if there are any comments, questions, or concerns that need to be dealt with before graduation.
For more information on the graduation fair visit