Snowed in, But Not Shut Out: Are Snow Days Gone Forever?

Creative Commons

“Snow day at Clark Park” by ceg is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

Nick Dentinger, Staff Reporter

As a student, the snow day used to be a magical day that I looked forward to every winter. It was a day to sleep in, spend time with friends, and play in the snow. However, in recent years, the traditional snow day has been replaced with online learning. While this may seem like a convenient option, I can’t help but feel that something important has been lost in the process. 

Zoom school and other online learning may provide students with a way to continue their education despite foul weather, but it also takes away the joy and excitement of a snow day. As a child, I woke up early to listen to the radio, waiting to hear if school was canceled. When it was, it was like a little victory for my friends and me. Online learning may provide a way to continue education, but it doesn’t provide the same sense of community, relaxation, and joy that a snow day can offer. 

I remember one particular snow day when I was in elementary school. My brother and I woke up to a winter wonderland outside our windows. We immediately turned on the TV, waiting to hear the announcement that school was canceled. When we finally heard the news, we cheered and ran outside to build a snowman. Our friends soon joined us, and we spent the day sledding, having snowball fights, and drinking hot cocoa. It was a day filled with laughter, play, and community building. Looking back, I realize how much those snow days meant to me and how they provided a much-needed break from the daily routine of school. 

Moreover, the transition to online learning is bad for less fortunate students who don’t have access to technology or the internet. While many schools have tried to bridge the digital divide, the reality is that not all students have equal access to the internet. For these students, a snow day is not just a day off from school, but a day without access to the resources they need to learn. This further exacerbates the achievement gap and puts disadvantaged students in a bigger hole.  

The replacement of the snow day with online learning may seem like progress, but it’s important to consider the unintended consequencesAs we move forward, we must find ways to balance the benefits of technology with the importance of tradition and equity in education.