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The student news site of Indiana University Southeast

The Horizon

The student news site of Indiana University Southeast

The Horizon

The student news site of Indiana University Southeast

The Horizon

Freshman 15: How to cope with stress

IUS Horizon November 14, 2010

Being a college student is more than working on courses to find the right career. It means learning to juggle exercise, work, classes and socializing while managing stress. While stress has been covered...

Beating the couch potato: Battling the Freshman 15

IUS Horizon October 19, 2010
Being a college freshman can mean many things including living away from home, classes and the ability to do absolutely nothing but video games. Most of all, it’s the freedom to make decisions. Yet, this new phase of a college student’s life most often lacks the second most important factor of the Freshman 15 — exercise. Exercise is a key component of weight loss.

Munchie mania: Battling the Freshman 15

IUS Horizon October 3, 2010
Weight gain is a problem that nearly every American battles at some point in their lives. However, even with all the weight loss campaigns, the average college student fails to realize there is a growing problem with weight gain for their age group or feel they have no reason to worry. “I’ve been this skinny my entire life, so I don’t think I have to worry about any weight gain,” Tyler Delaney, music freshman, said. “The only difference I hope to see is height.” According to a study by Washington University in St. Louis, more than 70 percent of college students gain an average of 15 pounds in their first year at college.

No fond farewell included below

IUS Horizon April 18, 2010
In the past, it’s been a Horizon tradition to write a farewell column and remember certain events that happened during our time as editors. I’m breaking ranks and refusing to write such a column.

Hotter than a sex scandal

IUS Horizon March 14, 2010
Newspaper fans, trash cans full of water bottles and that lingering body-odor smell from hundreds of sweaty bodies can only add up to one thing. Overly hot buildings on campus.

College attractions, discounts not great

IUS Horizon February 21, 2010
The Green Tree 10 movie theater has been gone for months now, Kentucky Kingdom is being sold off piece-by-piece and won’t be around this summer. Let us hold a moment of silence in honor of our beloved venues that have passed on.

Colophon for Jan. 25, 2010

IUS Horizon February 6, 2010
The following is a list of items and people that help put The Horizon together. 1. Jimmy John’s.

Positive contributors deserve working tech

IUS Horizon February 5, 2010
It’s been a long time coming. Our trusty printer, recently dubbed “wheezy” by me, has hit the age where everything creaks and groans in protest. There are times when only one page might print and, if you need more, it sometimes takes quite a bit of abuse to coerce everything into submission. After attempting to get one page to copy for 30 minutes, I realized that The Horizon has to be one of the top penny-pinching groups on campus.

The Crestview Doughnut

IUS Horizon November 17, 2009
Approximately five years ago, the students in Crestview, room 209, got a treat. This is the kind of treat that you can look at but not touch, quite literally. On the ledge outside the window of room 209, some idiot tossed a perfectly good chocolate doughnut.

Information deficiency

IUS Horizon October 26, 2009
In my first column at the beginning of the semester, I touched on a few topics around campus that were bothering me.

Reel traditions

IUS Horizon October 3, 2009
Every year about this time I start thinking about the upcoming holiday season. It all starts with Halloween and doesn’t end until New Year’s Day.

Turn it up. rock on

IUS Horizon October 1, 2009
I love music. It’s my lifeline to everything. It’s my way to cheer up, vent, calm down or just simply to relax and unwind. Compared to the alternative silence of my apartment or the junk that is displayed on TV lately, I prefer the tunes that relate to me.
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