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The student news site of Indiana University Southeast

The Horizon

The student news site of Indiana University Southeast

The Horizon

The student news site of Indiana University Southeast

The Horizon

Hazel contemplating a crime

Purr-fection Personified: Why Cats Crush Canines as Pets

Tyler Eversole, Editor April 7, 2023

The topic of whether cats or dogs make better pets is quite a contentious one, and I'm sure most people have heard heated debates regarding which pet is the best. Yet, in my opinion, it’s not even a...

Animal Adoption:  How four-legged friends became lifelines to humans

Animal Adoption: How four-legged friends became lifelines to humans

Imagine being a puppy confined in a shelter. You’re isolated, watching humans come and go. One of them coaxes yet another whimpering dog into a nearby kennel. The two of you are part of a growing...

Editor encourages exercise, interaction

IUS Horizon February 20, 2012
It is getting to the point in the year when, generally, everyone is ready for spring. Classes start to drag after the fall semester ends, flu viruses spread as immune systems weaken, and, while we have had a mildly warm winter, it has been difficult daydreaming about beach-like weather while people are trapped in their homes due to the occasional snow and slush. This epidemic, sometimes known as “cabin fever,” is an unavoidable component of the last few months of winter.
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