The Student Government Association’s elections will be held the week of March 16.
In an effort to get students to vote, the SGA will have pizza available in the hallway connecting University Center North and South on March 17 and March 19.
James Bonsall, treasurer, also proposed to have pizza at a debate between the candidates in Meadow Lodge sometime in the next two weeks.
Chief Justice Jeff Martin reminded everyone wanting to run in the election their paperwork is due by Thursday, March 5.
Beverly Raley, senator, submitted a bill to change when elections for senators would be held.
Rather than simply voting and approving the change, the senate would have to approve the measure, then add the change to the ballots for this year’s officer elections for students to vote on.
The bill won’t affect the election this year, but will change the voting process. Those students who ran for senate seats and lost would be given a second chance in another election. Martin reminded the senate of the cost to run the election. Computer Services has to set up the Web site where students vote, then the votes must be counted.
“Keep in mind to the winner is the candidate with the most votes,” Martin said.
The elected officers will take office on April 2.
In other business, Ben Taylor, geology senior, and Erick Marquez, business sophomore, were sworn as senators and Ben Kelien, secondary education sophomore, became a probationary senator.
Staff writer