A group of more than 50 people, comprised of Alpha Phi members and alumni, IUS students, parents, siblings and members of the community, gathered in McCullough Plaza to participate in the Alpha Phi-sponsored, three-mile Heart Walk on Saturday, April 4.
“The purpose of this walk is to raise awareness of heart disease, since it is the number one killer of women,” Chanelle Vavasseur, sociology freshman and Alpha Phi president, said.
She said 100 percent of the proceeds from this event go to the Alpha Phi Foundation, which is the philanthropic branch of the organization. She said the proceeds are used exclusively for cardiac care and research. Though she didn’t have a final count, Vavasseur said they had raised at least $1,000 from the event.
According to the Alpha Phi Foundation’s Web site, February is normally the month set aside for activities designed to raise public awareness of cardiovascular disease.
“We do the walk in April because the weather is better,” she said. “It’s usually cold in February.”
Vavasseur said the event was open to all students, their families and the public. There was no charge to participate but they could make donations.
In addition, participants were encouraged to sign up for a chance to win a door prize. They could also purchase raffle tickets to win one of several gift baskets donated by area businesses.
Frank and Bev Rice participated in the event and brought their dog, Oscar.
“We’re here to support or daughter, Brooke, and to help Alpha Phi,” Bev Rice said, “but also to walk, to keep healthy.”
“A lot of people in the community have sponsored the walk this year,” Vavasseur said. “We received donations from individuals and gift certificates or items from local businesses, and Pi Kappa Alpha made a donation.”
Janet and Larry Crum arrived with their nearly 2-year-old grandson, Dylan. Janet Crum said she is aware heart disease is the number one killer of women, and heart disease has touched her family personally.
“Larry had a triple bypass in 2007, so we’re here to help [raise awareness],” she said.
Prior to the start of the event participants circulated around the plaza, chatting and visiting with friends and family members, and snacking on apples provided by Alpha Phi.
Theresa Loos said she came to support her daughter and the cause.
“It’s easier to do something like this if you know somebody,” she said.
Her daughter, Anna Loos, fine arts freshman and Alpha Phi member, designed the front of the T-shirts for the event.
Sean Oestringer, business accounting junior, was walking with his girlfriend, Vavasseur, and his parents, David and Clare.
“I’m here to support my girlfriend but also for the fraternity,” he said. “We help each other out and participate in each other’s events.”
James Reynolds, elementary education freshman and a Phi Kappa Alpha member, also participated.
“I’m here to put forth for the community,” he said. “I’m looking forward to it.”
Staff Writer