Attention That Matters

Merit Pages beginning at IU Southeast

Secoy Richey, Staff Writer

Merit Pages is a new social media channel that offer students a way to share their undergraduate success stories with the world.

“The website shares student accomplishments with hometown newspapers, local representatives, future employers, high schools, social media networks, the student and their families,” Kendra Barnes, communication specialist, said.

Students receive institution-verified recognition when they study abroad, participate in community service, get accepted to the Dean’s List or join sororities and fraternities, for example.

“At Merit, our goal is to make every students’ Merit page a place where their verified achievements and affiliations tell the story of their success in college and beyond,” Colin Mathews, Merit Pages chief operating officer, said.

Barnes said more than 500 colleges and universities have started using Merit as a way to encourage positive word of mouth marketing by producing real authentic and measurable attention that every institution is looking to get.

“Every time a student accomplishes something it also appears on the school’s Merit Page, demonstrating growth and engagement at the institution,” Barnes said.

IU Southeast will launch Merit in about two to three weeks for students to claim and create a page equipped with a profile picture, cover photo and an about me section to show off their involvement and dedication.

“Merit’s popular with students at a wide variety of colleges, but we’re especially excited to work with IU Southeast because almost all of us at Merit are state-school grads, so we’re kindred spirits,” Mathews said.

Jed Thomas, accounting junior, said he is very excited for implementation of Merit here at IU Southeast. He believes that the self-promotion of a students own persona is invaluable to making connections and gaining a foothold in the IU Southeast community.

Merit Pages goal is to benefit students as they move forward in their academic career by maintaining a positive online identity and establishing a visual resume from enrollment until graduation.

“We don’t want to be the best kept secret, and with Merit Pages we can really show us off,” Carol Branson, marketing specialist, said.

Students can learn more by visiting: