A day at Huber’s Orchard, Winery and Vineyards

Southern Indiana spot offers much to do, eat and drink

  • Huber’s offers several fun cutouts for children and family to take pictures in.

  • Huber’s employees paint decorative faces on pumpkins to sell to the public.

  • Huber’s not only has large pumpkins, but they also sell colorful gourds.

  • Huber’s not only has large pumpkins, but they also sell colorful gourds.

  • Along with the larger pumpkins, Huber’s employees paint the little ones for sale.

  • Marcella Hawk, administrative assistant, said that the bakery in the Farm Market has done great this year. “Almost everybody that comes to the property comes to the bakery and buys something,” Hawk said. Hawk also said that the bakery has cookies, breads, pies, rolls and much more.

  • Marcella Hawk, administrative assistant at Huber’s, said that almost every child that comes into the bakery buys a cookie. “Our cookies are as big as your face,” said Hawk.

  • Marcella Hawk, administrative assistant of Huber’s said that right now the most popular items in the bakery are apple and pumpkin products. Huber’s apple butter is one of the most popular alongside of pumpkin bread and pumpkin rolls.

  • Huber’s offers various flavors of their famous fudge. Marcella Hawk, administrative assistant of Huber’s said that all products sold in the bakery are made at the Farm Market. “We make everything on a daily basis. Everything is fresh and even on weekends we sell out of different varieties,” Hawk said.

  • One of the most popular things to do at Huber’s during the Fall is to pick pumpkins. Customers can hop on a train and ride over to the pumpkin patch to find the perfect pumpkin.

  • Huber’s Winery has been around since 1978. Samantha Huber, winery manager, said that Huber’s Winery now has Starlight Distillery. “Since 2001 we have been making brandy. We now make vodka, gin, and we have whiskey coming out very soon and the bourbon will follow that,” Huber said.

  • Samantha Huber, says that Huber’s Winery offers wines ranging from very sweet to very dry. Huber said there is a wine for everyone, while the sweeter wines are the most popular.

  • Samantha Huber, winery manager, said that Sweet Marcella wine is the top seller of the winery. ”Our top sellers are our sweeter wines, Sweet Marcells is our number one seller overall. It is a concord grape wine,” Huber said.

  • The “Wine of The Month” for the month of October is Spiced Apple. Customers can enjoy an afternoon of wine tasting said Samantha Huber, winery manager. “We have wine tasting that goes on daily that ranges from $5 to $12 a person depending. We also have packages for groups, usually ten or more people, and they range from $25 a person to $35 a person,” Huber said.

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Laura Hubrich, Staff

Huber’s Orchard, Winery and Vineyards

19816 Huber Rd., Starlight, Ind.

Farm Market: 812-923-9813

Winery: 812-923-9463

For more information, check out http://www.huberwinery.com/