Be Proud to be a Grenadier
December 3, 2014
Don’t be ashamed to go to IU Southeast. Say it loud and proud. Without this university I would not be where I am today.
It’s been four and a half years since I started as a freshman here and I don’t regret my decision on staying in my hometown of New Albany. I wish I could say that it’s been an easy ride but it hasn’t. What I can say is, I will never forget my experiences and it’s been one hell of a ride.
I want to thank IUS for accepting me as a student when I applied in the spring of 2010. I had no idea what I was doing with my life and didn’t know if I wanted to go to college. I had no help choosing what I wanted to do in life until I came here. I owe it to the advisors and a career course to pin point I wanted to write as a journalist.
I recognize IU Southeast is no Bloomington. I know we are no UofL. I don’t care. I am a Grenadier. I say it proudly because this institution helped land me two internships and a job in my career field. I thank the Career Development Office for that.

My first internship was on 99.7 WDJX with Ben Davis and Kelly K. and they allowed me to DRINK on air. That’s right, my first legal drink was on air with Ben Davis and Kelly K. It was thanks to career development helping me finding an internship. I met Brent Smith, lead singer of Shinedown, who I love and the band Cimorelli . My first day I met Ed Sheeran and was serenaded. with “A-Team.” Thank you IU Southeast Career Development for helping me find an amazing experience.
Don’t be afraid to ask them to look at your resume and do mock interviews. I landed a job at WDRB because my resume looked wonderful. I took their advice and found myself a place to begin my career through their website. It was worth taking the time to walk my lazy ass up to their office and ask for help.
I know we are all busy, but make time for internships and make time to ask for help. I currently work full-time, have an internship at WFPL writing articles daily and attending class so I HATE to hear “I don’t have time.” I get so frustrated because students say that. I had to make time, sacrifice my social life. I had to get my priorities in line and it paid off. I promise the work is worth it in the end.
I hate when people are ashamed to say they come from here. It aggravates me so much because since I have been here I feel like I am treated as a person, not just another body that attends a class each semester then disappears. I owe me graduating to the professors who go above and beyond. The ones that took the time to get to know me personally.
Those professors didn’t have to take the time to reply on Facebook or deal with me freaking out about grades. They don’t have to care about personal issues. They don’t have to know your name, and who you are, but they do anyway.
I think it’s an amazing thing that they do this. I know they care. I know when I show up to class they will do anything to help. I complained about all the work they gave me. I took it for granted at the time I was in their class but now at the end of my journey I owe it to them that I’m graduating. They made me want to finish my degree and made it worth showing up.
It’s a welcome feeling to come to campus and not just be a face in the crowd. I’’m glad I was offered this chance because at a university such as IU or UofL how many people can say their professors know their name? How many people can say they know people they pass in the halls? My guess, not many.
I cannot describe how much I love IU Southeast. I have cussed and been discouraged when writing 20 page research papers. I hated taking final exams. It is hard, but it taught me a lot. It teaches us skills that we may not want or know we develop, but they play a part in the real world.
I will never forget IU Southeast and I will never be ashamed to say I graduated from here. I put the work and effort in when I was ready to drop out. I stayed up late and studied or wrote papers when all I wanted to do was sleep. I gave my all for this degree and I feel wonderful because was worth the struggle.
Thank you everyone at IU Southeast. You made this degree worthwhile.