Kicking off November with thanks
November 6, 2015
November is the month known for giving thanks. To celebrate IU Southeast held a Founders’ Day luncheon for retired faculty of IU Southeast to say thank you for the work they did and are still doing for the school. In addition to saying thank you, Chancellor Ray Wallace said this luncheon was also held to get the retired faculty to visit, revisit, and rekindle their friendships.
According to Chancellor Wallace, 15 departments were represented at the luncheon and a total of 1,127 years of service to IU Southeast from those at the luncheon. Recently retired faculty from IU Southeast were mentioned: Brian Jones who worked in the School of Arts and Letters for 36 years and Loretta Seals who worked in the Physical Plant Department for 10 years.
Winners of the prestigious Sagamore of the Wabash awards were present at the luncheon:
Gerald Ruth,School of Natural Sciences, other Academic Programs
Claudia Crump- Other Academic Programs
Carl Kramer, School of Social Sciences, other Academic Programs
Former Chancellor’s Medallion recipients were in attendance as well:
Claudia Crump
John Reisert
Jim Morris