Senate Chair Joshua Sesar resigned his position a week after taking office due to time restrictions.
“The SGA constitution states that senators have to serve a minimum of three office hours every week,” Sesar said. “Officers have to put in even more time, and I’m just unable to fulfill my obligation.”
While Sesar resigned from the senate, the SGA appointed him to the judicial committee as an associate justice. He said justices don’t have to serve office hours.
Jonathan Moody, psychology sophomore, assumed the position of senate chair after serving as pro temp for one week.
“Sesar let a few of us know a couple weeks ago that he was stepping down,” Moody said. “We knew he was planning on resigning this week, so we had an idea of how we wanted to transition into him being able to leave.”
James Bonsall, SGA president, said the recent staff changes are unusual.
“We usually don’t have to deal with people stepping down at this point in the year,” Bonsall said. “It all started when [former senate chair] Ben Taylor had to step down because he wasn’t able to make the meetings, and it kind of set off a chain reaction.”
Elizabeth Jackson, international studies junior, assumed the role of pro temp after Moody’s ascension to senate chair.
In addition, the SGA also swore in Tristan Williams, English freshman, Ian Girdley, English freshman, Jinhee Jung, business freshman, and Ruben Dodge, computer science freshman, as full senators after being on probationary status for four weeks.
Three other probational senators still haven’t been sworn in.
Moody said Kollie Momoh, probationary senator, won’t be up for approval until Thursday.
Johann Pedolzky, philosophy and political science senior, wasn’t at the previous meeting, so he wasn’t sworn in.
Moody said Ashley Summers, sociology freshman, had a miscommunication with her mentor.
“I’ve had classes with three of them, and they are all awesome people,” Bonsall said. “I think they’ll be great senators.”
The SGA also introduced a resolution to apologize to Melissa Hill, manager of campus card services, after what Bonsall called a “contentious meeting” two weeks ago.
“The meeting was a perfect storm of misunderstanding a few weeks ago,” he said. “We just want her [Hill] to know the SGA isn’t out for blood.”
The SGA will vote on the resolution next week.
Staff Writer