“We’ve been talking to students all week, and for the most part they’re happy it’s going to be enforced,” Bonsall said.
The resolution will most likely recommend the university reduce the proposed fines for second and third offenses, which currently would not exceed $50.
“We think $10 would be fair for a second offense, maybe $20 for a third,” Bonsall said.
Bonsall said when compared to other IU campuses, the IUS policy is in the middle in terms of strictness.
“At IU Kokomo, they don’t allow smoking at all, not even in the cars,” Bonsall said. “At IU Bloomington they have designated smoking areas around residential areas, so we pretty much fall right in the middle.”
If passed, the SGA resolution would be forwarded to the administration and the Executive Council, though the university is not required to act on the SGA recommendations.
In other business, the SGA passed a resolution to formally apologize to Melissa Hill, manager of campus card services, two weeks after the bill to apologize was introduced, despite the fact that Bonsall personally apologized to Hill on behalf of the SGA one day following the original incident.
However, several senators voted against the resolution.
Jennifer Broadus, SGA treasurer, said passing the resolution was counterproductive.
“It would have been much better if we could have done this two weeks ago,” Broadus said. “It’s a done issue and we’re just re-opening a can of worms.”
Candice Boudreaux, SGA senator, said she disagreed.
“I think an apology is better late than never, especially after how heated things got,” Boudreaux said.
The SGA also swore in Ashley Summers, sociology freshman.
Staff Writer