New Fitness Club at IU Southeast
September 17, 2017
The start of a new semester means the start of new clubs at IU Southeast. One specific club forming this semester is Fit 4 You, which meets every Thursday at 12:20pm in the Adult Student Center in University Center South.
The club focuses on mental and physical health and holding each other accountable to achieve those health goals.
“It’s really hard to achieve your goals without support and motivation. That’s why I created this club, to encourage people that the impossible is possible,” said Sarah Cassady, creator of Fit 4 You and Horizon staff member.
Every week, Cassady and club members gather around a table and share their struggles. Whether it’s dealing with anxiety or struggling to go to the gym, the students show vulnerability to one another.
Writer Amy Conner focused on a study done at Auburn University in Alabama for an article on called “70% of College Students Gain Weight During College: Study”.
Researchers studied 131 students over four years of college and found that 70% of the students gained weight by graduation, averaging a weight gain of 12, and up to 37 pounds. The overall percentage of students found to be overweight increased from 18% to 31%.
Taking into account that some of the weight gain is natural with growth over time, Fit 4 You is created to address this issue.
“I joined this group because I felt the need for a support system while I work towards my health goal to lose weight,” said sophomore English major Cortney Aunspaugh.

While Fit 4 You is a new club, Cassidy hope all members, existing and new, feel accepted and welcome.
“There is no judging in this group. You can come to this club completely you and no one will judge you,” said Cassady. “You are beautiful who you are and that’s what we teach. That is why it’s called Fit for You. Because everyone is different in a great way.”
Having an official club at IU Southeast gives the members an opportunity to sponsor events as well as bring in guest speakers for the group members and for all of campus.
“The goal is for this group to grow so much that we are able to bring in guest speakers that can help with mental and physical health, like personal trainers and nutritionists,” said Cassady.
The group’s goal is to make a difference in the lives of fellow students. On top of weekly meetings, Fit 4 You also participates in on campus events like suicide walk that will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 26 on campus for suicide awareness.
In light of recent events, the new club also is taking donations for those who have been affected by the hurricanes. The donations will be sent to American Red Cross to ensure food, clothing, and all other needs for hurricane victims.
Aunspaugh has family in Texas, where hurricane Harvey struck. Although her loved ones were not directly affected by the natural disaster, she holds the devastating event close to her heart.
“I really want to help the hurricane victims because I have family members that live in Texas,” said Aunspaugh. “I was scared for them and scared for everyone. This is a good cause and I want to help.”