The IUS Library is holding a quilt show in their gallery in the downstairs of the library.
The quits will be showcased from Oct. 20 until Dec. 15.
The quilt show has 17 quilts by 12 people, either working for IUS or relatives of students.
On Friday, Oct. 24, they held an open reception to honor the people behind the quilts. The reception was for visitors to meet the quilt makers, and to hear their stories about the making of their quilts.
“Our purpose behind the show is to honor the ordinary people, and what they do,” Nancy Totten, associate library coordinator of reference said.
“I was so surprised to see who all quilted, some of which I would have never even knew,” Totten said.
All the quilts have some kind of meanings,as well as different themes for each of them.
There was an old quilt which was made in the 1940s and was still in the excellent shape for being that old.
Another quilt was made out of squares cut from old t-shirts that someone had.
There were seasonal quilts from autumn, spring, and Christmas time, as well as a quilt made entirely from hand.
One quilt had been made for the quilt maker’s daughter leaving for college.
The quilts also came in many different sizes some were huge and some were smaller than your hand.
“The quilts are lovely pieces of art, and they deserved to be honored,” Totten said.
IU Southeast sponsors the quilt show, as well as many other shows they have held in the library
They have held a local artist show, a Fine Arts competition and even a student’s art that went to college here.
IU Southeast is proud to show the art of not only local artists, but also students currently attending classes on campus as well.
Staff Writer