With a passion for teaching science and love of sharing knowledge, Susan Reigler, visiting lecturer in biology, has a goal to create a new type of enthusiasm for her students with regard to biology and its effects on society.
“We live in the most technically advanced country and it is incredibly important to understand the process and risks of scientific knowledge,” Reigler said.
She said the numbers of students aiming for a career in science, math and engineering have steadily dropped while the numbers of business students are steadily increasing.
She said with the interest in science dropping informed decisions will be harder for the general public to make.
“How can you make informed decisions about basic things like health, nutrition, where you live, how you treat the environment and what legislature should pass or not pass, without a basic scientific knowledge?” Reigler said. “We are using one-fourth of our resources in this country and what is going to happen when populists’ countries want what we have?”
Reigler is not only passionate about science but is also passionate about music and writing.
“I play period brass in the ARS Femina Ensemble which specializes in restoring 17th and 18th century music composed by women,” Reigler said.
Reigler is also a journalist and has written for the Courier-Journal.
“I was a restaurant critic for the Courier-Journal for 14 years from 1992 to 2006,” Reigler said. “For the last year I was their first travel writer.”
Reigler said she is amazed at changes in journalism, from professionals to amateur bloggers.
“I’m sure we are in a real evolutionary time period for journalism,” Reigler said.
Although Reigler has had many different experiences in many different fields of work, she said she enjoys teaching.
Staff Writer