The student news site of Indiana University Southeast

The Horizon

The student news site of Indiana University Southeast

The Horizon

The student news site of Indiana University Southeast

The Horizon

Editor credits college journey for expanded horizons

IUS Horizon December 2, 2012
I vividly remember sitting in my high school auditorium when I was a junior and listening to several administrators describe the opportunities my future and the future of my classmates had waiting for us IF we attended college. At that moment, I do not quite remember if the auditorium truly fell silent or if my brain just shut down and decided to drown out all sound, but I do remember obsessing about the fact that my future could be an IF. College was never a question in my mind, and naively, I assumed most of my peers felt the same way. Furthering my education was always an expectation and a requirement that was instilled in me since birth and to be told by an administrator that college is not such a common path was shocking to me.

Acts of kindness restore faith in humanity

IUS Horizon September 30, 2012
My faith in humanity is a roller coaster that is constantly questioning the decency of people, and I wish I did not have to feel this way. Hopefully, I can relate to most people in this world by saying I feel physically ill when I hear of another teenager killing himself because he genuinely felt his life was too awful to continue. My heart sinks when I hear about someone taking the lives of others solely for their own selfish agendas. Not only is it immensely unfortunate when acts, such as the movie theater shooting in Aurora, Colo., or 9/11 occur, but it is disheartening and also devastating to be smacked in the face so harshly with the realization that sometimes people are just out to destroy other people.

Customer service takes back seat to revenue

IUS Horizon September 16, 2012
A business’ customer service is what ultimately sets the company apart from its competitors. I do not care how good the food is or how cute the shirt is, if I have to deal with a waiter or cashier who obviously wants to be anywhere else instead of earning money pleasantly. The phrases “he is just not a people person” or “customer service is not her thing” are meaningless to me because I believe everyone has the capability of working with people in a professional and courteous manner. I get a bad taste in my mouth when quality service is not provided because, in my mind, it should be instinctive to have the desire to help others have a great experience. Regrettably, a lot of people refuse to walk in another’s shoes.

Interns gain unique experiences

IUS Horizon September 9, 2012
This past summer, IU Southeast had 55 students placed in internships, 35 of which were paid internships. The internship opportunities ranged for various majors such as geology, communications and business marketing. Samtec, LG&E, American Commercial Lines, Brown Forman and the Indiana Pacers were a few of the companies that offered internships to IUS students this summer.

IUS preserves in time capsule for 25 years

IUS Horizon August 26, 2012
Last spring, Dale Brown, secondary education senior and president of the Student Alumni Association, and Matt Owen, political science senior, met to discuss new tradition ideas to implement for the 70th anniversary of IU Southeast. Brown, Owen and fellow members of the SAA came up with the tradition of burying a time capsule on campus. “We thought a time capsule would be a great tradition for the campus because it is a collaboration and a larger connectivity for the organizations and university departments,” Brown said. “It’s a great way for student alumni to look back and see the university from the past.”

Instant gratification is not so gratifying

IUS Horizon April 8, 2012
I was not blessed with the virtue of patience, and I have yet to acquire this virtue thus far in life. I am a person who lives to be instantly gratified and have often become frustrated or given up entirely if I am forced to wait. I know impatience is an ugly trait. However, I take comfort in the fact that most of society also seems to lack the virtue that is deemed “morally excellent.” I am not alone. Each day, the news is filled with stories about people who fell for a “get-rich-quick scheme” and are now living in even more debt with bad credit and a stolen identity to boot.

Local disaster brings community together

IUS Horizon March 11, 2012
It has been a little more than a week since the tragedy occurred that struck the nearby towns of Henryville, Marysville, Pekin and the surrounding areas. Many homes, businesses and lives were destroyed on March 2 as tornados ripped through the Southern Indiana and Kentucky area. Although this natural disaster was such a heartbreaking and terrible occurrence, the overwhelming generosity and willingness to help from the surrounding community has restored my faith in humanity.

Common courtesy commonly neglected by society

IUS Horizon February 20, 2012
At an early age in my childhood, my mother adamantly instilled the concept of common courtesy and manners into my daily behavior. Not only was I a well-read child, but I was also courteous to my peers and the adults around me. It has always been imperative I say thank you when given something or please when accompanied with a request.

Sarcasm: use appropriately, often

IUS Horizon January 23, 2012
The Kardashians are great role models to society, Paris Hilton is a phenomenal actress and Nickleback is the best band ever. Unfortunately, because I am writing a newspaper column, readers are unable to catch the sarcasm dripping from the previous comments I just made. Sarcasm is one of the most dynamic qualities of my personality that I thrive on daily. Fortunately, my friends and family also hone this characteristic, and we are able to playfully torment each other regularly.

Editor implores passion in poor economy

IUS Horizon November 13, 2011
A beautiful home, multiple vehicles, annual vacations and overall financial stability are what Americans have referred to as “the dream” for years. The idea of the “American dream” was originally the promise of the possibility of prosperity and success for everyone, regardless of social class or circumstances of birth. Throughout history, “the dream” has been altered to fit modern times and society’s standards.

Editor admits addiction to text connectivity

IUS Horizon October 2, 2011
On a typical Monday night, I will sit down to begin writing a paper for school. However, instead of writing my paper, I double click the Google Chrome browser and type into my search engine. Out of habit to procrastinate, I continue to prolong my homework process by utilizing my exceptional multitasking skills to check Facebook notifications, text message and research the Romanov Empire simultaneously. As social media advances, this has become a reoccurring theme in my life and the life of my peers, as well.
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