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The student news site of Indiana University Southeast

The Horizon

The student news site of Indiana University Southeast

The Horizon

The student news site of Indiana University Southeast

The Horizon

Cari Edwards represents Campus Life at its table during the Student Involvement Fair.

Campus Life hosts spring Student Involvement Fair

Aubryn Crotchett, Staff Reporter January 16, 2020

The Hoosier Room was filled with IUS student organizations during the Student Involvement Fair on Tuesday, Jan. 14. The event, hosted by Campus Life, aimed to familiarize students with organizations that...

Getting involved at IU Southeast may help students succeed

Rain Hopkins, Staff November 13, 2014

With colder weather often comes hibernation mode, when even getting to class may seem like a struggle. One option in beating the seasonal depression is to turn the winter months into a more productive...

Comedian makes student attendance butt of joke

IUS Horizon November 28, 2011
On her tour of 100 colleges, Tracey Ashley, comedian, visited IU Southeast on Nov. 15 after flying into Albany, Ind., and driving a total of five hours to get to campus. “I just rode in a car for five hours, just drove all this way, and there are 22 people here,” Ashley said. Ashley said her acts are just about her life. However, the theme of the event seemed to be more about the size of the crowd that actually showed up for the event.
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