His ever-smiling face manages to exude friendliness and a fierce competitive spirit all at once.

Gus became the official IU Southeast mascot in 2009. Previously the IUS sports teams were the “Cougars.” Though Gus may be very unique, everyone has grown to love the friendly giant. Gus, however, says some are still afraid of him. “Go hug me. Please don’t run away. I’m friendly.” Gus said. Gus wants to spread positivity around the campus and hopes to meet as many people as he can this semester. If you see him around, don’t be afraid to give him a high-five.
While it is not uncommon to see Gus the Grenadier strutting down the hallway in the University Center or bolstering school spirit at an athletics game, there are many things students may not know about Indiana University Southeast’s mysterious mascot.
“A lot of people are afraid of me,” Gus said. “I think it’s because of the big cheesy smile.”
According to the IU Southeast website, grenadiers were elite 17th-century British soldiers who prided themselves on precise timing and control—people should “think of them as the original Special Forces.”
“Grenadiers were the soldiers that charged first,” Gus said.
The term “grenadier” was officially adopted as an IUS nickname during the 1971-1972 school year, according the IUS athletics website.
Previously the IUS athletic teams were referred to as the “Cougars.” The school bought a professional mascot costume in 2008 and students voted on the name “Gus.”
According to the 2012 Annual Report, Gus the Grenadier was officially unveiled as IU Southeast’s official mascot in 2009.
According to the IUS Athletics website, IU Southeast is the only university with a grenadier mascot.
Gus said as the figure in charge of bringing cheer and spirit to the campus, he makes a habit of smiling all day, every day.
“I think that’s what keeps school spirit up so much,” he said. “So much smiling means a lot of positive energy.”
IUS Athletic Director Joe Glover said Gus is vital in helping spread school spirit around the campus.
“We can always count on Gus to help create a strong home-court advantage for our student-athletes,” Glover said. “He is a recognizable face throughout campus that also helps promote IU Southeast in the community.”
Gus said he wants to spread positivity on campus and in the spirit of that, he offered some advice for incoming students.
“Work extra hard your first and second year,” he said. “It’s good to get the hardest work out of the way first.”
He also stressed the importance of getting involved on campus.
“You can meet a lot of great people here,” Gus said.
His favorite place on campus is the pavilion because he enjoys watching the lake, especially when it is sunny outside. While he does not eat food, Gus said he exists on a liquid diet. His favorite sport at IU Southeast is basketball.
“You’ll find me at basketball games a lot more than any other sport,” he said. “And that is both men’s and women’s.”
Gus said he maintains a relaxing lifestyle. He also said he is a bachelor looking to settle down in the near future. Gus is a grenadier of many hidden talents.
“I was break dancing at the homecoming game,” Gus said. “No one knew I could break-dance, so who knows what else Gus could do.” He said if he were to choose a major at IU Southeast, he would likely choose a major in the arts because he enjoys painting and music.
Gus said some of the people who are afraid of him run away and that he sometimes feels hurt by this.
Gus said he never intends to scare people away.
“When you see me, give me a ‘high-five,’” he said. “Go hug me. Please don’t run away. I’m friendly.”
Gus said he will gladly go out of his way to add smiles to campus
Online Platform Editor