U.S. Rep. Todd Young (R-Ind.) visited IU Southeast Wednesday, Sept. 4, and spoke with a crowd of about 60 citizens for a town hall forum.
Among the issues Young discussed was the current position on the Syria attack resolution.
“It is a very serious situation,” Young said. “I’m a cautious internationalist.”
Young said that the President has proposed launching Tomahawk missal strikes into Syria as punishment for the production and use of chemical weapons in defiance of international law and the chemical weapons convention.
“What difference is it really going to make to launch a few Tomahawks into Syria,” Young asked. “And more importantly what strategy are we furthering?”
Young said it is up to the commander in chief, his delegates and the administration to explain to us how launching Tomahawks will help stabilize Syria.
Megan Staten, education junior and President of College Democrats, didn’t feel Congressman Young gave straightforward answers.
“ I felt like he tip toes around questions so he didn’t have to answer them,” Staten said.
Stephon Moore, political science junior and Student Government Association president, asked Young what he plans to do about the rising cost of college tuition and student interest rates.
Young said it comes down to the administrators of universities to hold the line.
“To not build Taj Mahal buildings and to advertise themselves as a great educational value for the money, and I think increasingly we’ll see that.”
Young suggested Ivy Tech or regional campuses of IU for an associate’s degree and then if the student decides on a four-year degree, IU Bloomington. Young also suggested MOOC’s, massive online open classes for free.
“It’s a more affordable approach,” Young said.

When Moore asked Young to expand on what he personally would do to decrease tuition, Young said his second career could be a university president.
“Not all solutions come from Washington,” Young said.
Moore said he thought Young answered his question but didn’t think he provided what he was looking for.
“I think he handled it like a conservative politician is expected to handle it,” Moore said.
Young said most of the questions asked tonight had come up before in previous town hall meetings but he thought they were all good questions and expected strong feelings.
“People are passionate about a lot of these issues, as I am,” Young said. “I respect those different opinions and I always learn something at these meetings.”
Young announced multiple times throughout the forum for those who would like to talk further to call his office and they will be put on a list for a fifteen minute sit down with the congressman.