Former IU Southeast student exhibits work

Wende Cudmore works displayed in library

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Haley Warwick, Staff Writer

Wende Cudmore, printmaking artist, uses fruits and vegetables to create unique works of art that in her words, transform tradition. Her work is currently displayed on the first floor of the IU Southeast library.

Cudmore is a 2013 IU Southeast graduate with a BFA in printmaking. Cudmore is a non-traditional student and said her children and partner encouraged her to pursue her passion, fine arts, in college.

Cudmore first started making art out of fruit and vegetable paper during a papermaking class at IU Southeast about five years ago.

In Cudmore’s artist statement, she said ”growing fruits and vegetables is a tradition handed down in her family, and making art with this medium creates a connection with her traditional past.”

While Cudmore said her first three passions in art are printmaking, papermaking and the pressings of fruits and vegetables, she has always loved the process of making any art.
In the fine arts program at IU Southeast, Cudmore was able to try many different ways of making art.

“It was like a candy store for me, I loved every art class and every medium I took,” said Cudmore.

Cudmore said her favorite pieces displayed currently at IU Southeast are the wearable Kentucky Derby pieces that she originally made for the Kentucky Museum of Arts and Crafts’ runway 2014 couture show.

IU Southeast Professor of Fine Arts Brian Jones said Cudmore’s time at IU Southeast was spent challenging herself to create detailed and unique works of art.

“Initially, because she was a non-traditional student, she embraced her education, committing herself to becoming the best she could be,” Jones said. “She always pushed beyond the minimum expectations and that commitment and dedication manifested in becoming a very creative and accomplished artist.”

Kate Moore, assistant librarian and coordinator of electronic resources at IU Southeast said Cudmore does a wonderful job transforming the practical things like vegetables and fruits grown in her own garden, into beautiful pieces of artwork that can often be worn in addition to being displayed.

While Cudmore does not currently have any pieces displayed publically outside of IU Southeast, she has had many patrons purchase her pieces to display in their home or office.

Moore said IU Southeast appreciates having alumni come back and share what they are doing after they have graduated.

The closing reception for the Wende Cudmore art exhibit in the library will be held Sept. 5, 2014 from 5p.m. to 7p.m.