Sean Welch, political science senior and president of the IUS Civil Liberties Union, said he believes the U.S. is facing a moral dilemma known as inequality.
“Obviously not everyone is going to be completely equal,” Welch said. “Some people are going to be taller than others; however, there should be some sort of equitable beginning.”
Welch said he believes income equality should become a reality in the U.S.
“If you go after income equality, it will make things better,” Welch said.
Welch said he believes the Citizens United court decision is a major symptom of economic inequality. Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission was a court case in 2010 that allowed corporations to give unlimited donations to political campaigns.
“With allowing them to give unlimited funds to politicians, it can really affect public services,” Welch said.
Welch offered a few ideas of how to tackle the issue of income inequality.
“Taxes need to be a lot higher,” Welch said. “The whole tax code needs to be restructured.
“Get rid of the Bush tax cuts,” Welch said. “All Congress needs to do to get rid of the Bush tax cuts is do nothing.”
The Bush tax cuts will expire if Congress does not renew them.
“Congress can do something its good at — they can do nothing,” Welch said.
However, Welch said his ideas were merely his own.
Welch has lived in Louisville all his life. He first became interested in politics by watching the MSNBC show “Hardball with Chris Mathews” with his grandparents.
“My grandparents were very involved in politics,” Welch said. “They taught me that it’s important to be involved.”
Welch’s desire for equality and political involvement is manifested through his membership in the IUS CLU.
Welch first heard about IU Southeast’s branch of the ACLU during a class taught by Thomas Kotulak, associate professor of political science and IUS CLU adviser.
Welch came to an IUS CLU meeting and later joined in fall 2010.
“Later, I ran for office and became president of the IU Southeast ACLU,” Welch said. “The ACLU is committed to preserving civil rights and civil liberties,” Welch said.
Civil rights and liberties are two aspects of equality that inspire Welch. For example, he said his favorite political figures are those who fought for equality during the Civil Rights movement. One of these figures was Hubert Humphrey, former vice president of the United States.
“Hubert Humphrey stood up for Civil Rights even when he knew it would divide the Democrats,” Welch said. “The South at that time was mostly Democrat.”
Welch is also inspired by “To Kill a Mockingbird,” a book that tackles the issue of racism.
“Atticus Finch is the pinnacle of morality,” Welch said.
Atticus Finch was one of the main characters of the novel who defended an African-American man in court.
Welch has been keeping himself busy through all of the activities the IUS CLU is conducting.
“Lately, we have been working with other groups for ONE,” Welch said.
ONE is an anti-poverty group at IU Southeast. Welch said he plans to implement a few changes at the IUS CLU before graduating.
“We plan to put in something this year to allow students with membership in the IU Southeast ACLU to have joint membership with the ICLU,” Welch said.
After graduation, Welch wants to pursue postgraduate education in something relating to political science.
“I want to do political theory or political philosophy,” Welch said. Welch still plans to fight for civil rights and liberties by remaining a member of the IUS CLU after graduation.