The Intramurals Program delayed its activities for the 2012-13 school year while the Athletics Department searched to find a new intramurals director.
After nearly a month of inactivity, Tom Dowling was hired to fill the position after Perry Brown, former intramural director, moved to Alabama to work for Talladega College.
“I’m really excited for this position,” Dowling said, “and, even though I’m still in the process of figuring things out, I can’t wait to get everything started for this year.”
The first event Dowling has planned is flag football, starting Oct. 28.
Dowling said he has some very specific goals in mind for the outcome of this program.
Dowling said the Intramurals Program used to be more tournament-based, but he and the Athletics Department would like to have the program be more league-based.
“While tournaments are great, they typically are only once a week and tended to never be on the same day,” Dowling said “By changing from tournaments to leagues I hope to create a level of consistency for the students, so they will know exactly when and where they are playing, and what sport is being played.”
Dowling said he also wants to work to integrate the students who live on campus and the commuters together.
Because a lot of people tend to commute to IU Southeast from Louisville and Southern Indiana, Dowling said he would like to have more events during the daytime so they can fit intramurals into their schedules.
He said this would allow students who live in the dorms or commute to get to know each other.
In addition, Dowling said he would also like to have more events occur at night, specifically around 9:30 or 10 p.m.
The first late night event Dowling is planning is dodgeball.
“Sometimes, students are looking for something to do but they lack money or even a car to go out and do something,” Dowling said. “This would be a great outlet for them to get out and just enjoy themselves.”
Another goal Dowling has is to see a higher percentage of students participate in all of sports instead of one.
“I would ideally like to see an outcome of 700 to 900 unique students involved with intramurals,” Dowling said.
Joe Glover, athletics director, said Dowling already has great ideas for the Intramural Program.
Glover said, while the Athletics Department is ambitious for the outcome of the program this year, it will be hard to accomplish without the help of work-study students.
“Right now, we have hired two part-time staff positions — one to run the Intramural Program, and one to maintain the student gym,” Glover said. “It’s a lot of work for these gentlemen to take on, and they both have very busy lives. We would really like to see some work-study students help out.”
Glover said the department is looking to find about 10 to 20 students to help with the Intramurals Program, as well to help maintain the gym. The position would be part-time and paid.
For intramurals, the work-study students would act as referees. If students wanted to work for the Athletics Department, they would complete tasks, such as making sure students sign in and out, showing others how to use the equipment and maintain the upkeep of the Activities Building.
“No special skills are necessary for this position, the student will just have to like sports,” Glover said.
Glover and Dowling said they plan on including more intramural sports than provided during previous years.
Some sports include disc golf, volleyball and ultimate Frisbee. All the intramural sports are free to play.
“I want to create a safe and fun environment for students to participate and exercise together,” Dowling said.
Dowling said the only sport students would possibly have to pay for is basketball.
“For men’s basketball, I would like to bring in some hired referees,” Dowling said. “I’ve found in that sport particularly students emotions tend to run a little high. It makes things easier with a professional referee.”
Dowling said this would be a minimal fee.
Dowling said he has a lot of goals for the outcome of the Intramurals Program this year.
“Our biggest goal for this year is trying to make our Intramural Program the best intramural program throughout all the IU campuses,” Dowling said, “but we can’t do it without the students.”