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The Horizon

The student news site of Indiana University Southeast

The Horizon

The student news site of Indiana University Southeast

The Horizon

Photo by John Clere.

Kameo Costello elected SGA president, SGA senate positions filled during latest election

Alex Baker, Staff Reporter April 30, 2020

The latest IU Southeast Student Government Association election occurred immediately before the university was shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The election determined both the SGA president and...

IUS Professor Frank Farmer reminisces about the inspiration and creation of his books and discusses his love of writing.

IUS adjunct professor Frank Farmer finds felicity in faculty position

Logan Stephens, Staff Reporter December 1, 2019

An inquisitive email and an open position in the English Department led recent retiree Frank Farmer back to IU Southeast, the place where he started his academic career fifty years prior. Farmer, a Clarksville...

Michael McRobbie has been the president of Indiana University since 2007, according to his biography. Courtesy of Indiana University.

IU President Michael McRobbie visits IUS

Joseph Kauffman and Tony Pacheco March 28, 2016

IU President Michael McRobbie stopped at IU Southeast on Wednesday, March 23 as part of his recent journey through the Hoosier state. McRobbie, who has been visiting regional IU campuses for his...

SGA discusses homecoming week and new legislation

Ty Simpson, Staff Reporter January 24, 2016

The Student Government Association met on Thursday, Jan. 21 at 4:30 p.m. in University Center North, room 122. The SGA meets each Thursday to discuss upcoming events and propose legislature or recommendations...

Horizon guide: Starting a student organization

Horizon guide: Starting a student organization

Hannah Foreman, Staff Reporter November 27, 2015

As a new student on campus or one that has been at IU Southeast for a while, one may find themselves wondering how to get involved and meet new people. According to the IUS website, there are multiple...

Indiana eligible voter turnout in 2014. 
Graphic by Daniel Vance. Modified by Kristin Kennedy.

Examining voter turnout patterns

Kristin Kennedy, Social Media Coordinator November 2, 2015

During this year’s election, many citizens will stand in line to vote candidates into office. According to statistics, though, the lines may be short. Over the last couple of years, the statistics...

Student Government Association implements plans for school year, inducts new officers

Haley Warwick, Staff Writer September 14, 2014

The Student Government Association of IU Southeast has already been working to implement new programs for the academic year. On Sept. 4, the first meeting of the semester, Alex Yson, SGA treasurer,...

UPDATE — Election results announced

IUS Horizon March 11, 2013

The dust has settled and the results are in: Stephon Moore, political science sophomore, is the new Student Body President of IU Southeast. The SGA presidential election took place during the week of...

SGA motions for microwaves

IUS Horizon February 20, 2012
The Student Government Association held its weekly meeting on Feb. 21 in University Center South. The majority of the 19 minutes of the meeting consisted of a follow-up from Josh Kornberg, communications senior and SGA president, on the working projects of the SGA. The main topic of conversation was adding additional microwaves to The Commons. Currently, The Commons have two microwaves, one of which is frequently out of service. The SGA has been working with Physical Plant to add three additional microwaves.

SGA searches for campus traditions

IUS Horizon February 13, 2012
The Student Government Association is following through on one of its goals to increase student retention through campus pride. Matt Owen, political science junior and SGA senate chair, announced at the SGA meeting on Feb. 9 that he is searching for a campus tradition to unite IU Southeast. This tradition could be a historic tradition that has fallen out of practice or a tradition that still exists but has not been well publicized.

SGA moves forward with resolution

IUS Horizon February 7, 2012
The Student Government Association voted to refer the “Faculty Handbook C-3 Proposed Update” policy to the Faculty Affairs Committee on Feb. 3, moving the resolution one step closer to being adopted as an official IUS policy. “What this policy will do is to strongly encourage the faculty to specifically post their syllabus onto OnCourse by the first week of the semester,” Stephon Moore, journalism freshman and SGA press secretary, said. With the bill, faculty will be strongly encouraged to include in their course descriptions the course requirements.

SGA squabbles over Meet and Eat date

IUS Horizon November 28, 2011
The Student Government Association held its meeting on Nov. 17 and swore in four new senators. The senators, Drew Apple, criminal justice and political science sophomore, Shanda Webb, special education freshman, Micaela Dale, business management and marketing junior, and Ashley Kern, secondary education freshman, were told to make two goals they wanted to accomplish as senators. One goal Apple came up with was having students who have a concealed carry license to be able to carry their weapons on campus. Webb said she would like to better organize the various parking lots.
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