The following is a list of items and people that help put The Horizon together.
1. Jimmy John’s.
2. Las Vegas Musical Clock.
4. Mama Dever’s cinnamon bread.
5. One black belt in Shaolin karate.
6. One package of Mighty Putty.
7. A variety of Coke and Pepsi products.
8. The Horizon Archives of 2009.
10. Eight AP Stylebooks.
12. The Tuesday conflict resolution group.
13. Greg Dassel’s mug shot.
14. 10 Slinkies slinking.
15. One ream of paper in a wheezing printer.
16. 405 knuckle cracks.
17. Four dozen pipe cleaners.
18. Master Yoda.
19. One Hitler mustache. Make it two.
20. Finger painting.
21. Advil.
22. Spider Solitaire.
23. Sausage squid.
24. The campus calender, for once.
25. The movie, “Legion.”
26. A copy of Left 4 Dead 2.
27. “Doh!”
28. 5,000 InDesign saves.
29. Chewbacca, chiquita, chaleupa and other words that start with “C.”
30. Spray-on tans.
31. The 14-inch strap-on Dildo of Doom.
32. Peanut butter.
33. Snakey’s Revenge.
34. Johnny Bravo’s hair.
35. Phineas and Ferb.
36. Captain Peckersword.
37. Walgreen’s 24-hour drive-thru.
38. Life Savers.
39. One minature baseball bat.
40. Duct Tape.
42. Toothpicks and Jellybeans.