Horizon guide: peaceful study spots

A breezy place to study by the pond behind IU Southeast.

Charlyn Corum, Staff Writer

Studying for midterms can be time consuming and stressful. Distractions such as family, friends, roommates and pets can make studying difficult. Sometimes the best thing to do when trying to study is to find a peaceful place. Students of IU Southeast share peaceful places they sometimes go to study.

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IU Southeast: Library      

Emily Friedman, political science senior, goes to the IU Southeast library to study.

“I know if I am home I am not going to have the motivation to do so and I will be able to study without procrastinating,” she said.

Sydney Powell, graphic design sophomore, said she also likes to study in the library because it is peaceful and the couches are comfortable.

IU Southeast: Knobview Hall

Knobview Hall recently got new furniture and Brooke Wessel, art history sophomore, said she likes to study here “because it is nice and relaxing.”

The new furniture is located on the second floor and is equipped with power outlets, computers and printers.

Lori Mundell, journalism sophomore, also likes studying in Knobview Hall, though she likes to study in empty classrooms because they are nice, quiet and great for group studying.

IU Southeast: Picnic Tables by Pond 

Bethany Hamilton, fine art freshman, said she enjoys to study anywhere outside at IU Southeast.   Though she said her favorite place to study outdoors is at a picnic table by the pond.

Hamilton said she finds the sounds of the water relaxing.

Quills Coffee Shop

Andrew Dangler, advertisement senior, always goes to Quills Coffee Shop to study for school. He likes to study here because “the atmosphere and the quality of the drinks and service,” he said.

Dangler said he recommends people to try a Caramel Latte with almond milk.

Starbucks Peaceful Places to Study

Starbucks is where Shelby Kake, computer science and graphic design sophomore, said she goes to study.

“The atmosphere is super relaxing and the coffee is a perk,” she said.

Kake likes to order any seasonal drink that is being offered.

Bean Street

Cody Tevis, graphic design sophomore, said he enjoys Bean Street Coffee Shop because it is not busy, has multiple power outlets and is quiet.

“It is really easy to focus and get work done,” Tevis said.

He said he likes to order White Mocha if he is tired and needs to focus or Paris Tea if he is there to chill.


Jessie Martin, studio arts sophomore, said she likes to study at coffee shops because it helps her think and coffee helps her stay awake.  “It makes me feel more professional and serious about my studying too for some reason,” she said.

Books-A-Million at the Green Tree Mall has a coffee shop that Martin said she likes to study. When she goes there her preferred drink is Raspberry Mocha.

Midterm test studying can be stressful because in some classes a huge chunk of your grade relies on this test. So if the buzz of roommates talking or family members bickering is distracting finding a peaceful atmosphere to study could be beneficial.

If a peaceful place seems helpful take a little trip and visit these students favorite study places and maybe even try a recommended drink or two. Good luck on midterms everyone.